BritPod 115: BritPod Live Jan 26 2013

BritPod 115: BritPod Live Jan 26 2013

We recorded the first BritPod Live! in about 2 years last month, and here it is! Hope you enjoy it. If you do, we’ll do more BritPod Lives! If you don’t, well screw you! Remember, BritPod is for mature audiences and is very offensive, viewer discretion is...

BritPod Live Recording!

We’re recording a new BritPod Live! What’s BP Live? It’s the Royal Rumble of Podcasting!  Get on Skype for the recording, add “britpod” to your friends then send a text message or set your status to “BritPod” and we’ll...

BritPod Christmas Special 2012 Recording

We’re recording the 2012 BritPod Christmas Special on Friday the 14th of December! Let’s use this joyous occasion as an opportunity to have some hopefully non-rubbish call-ins. So free up your diary for the 14th, get stocked up on some Christmas cheer...
BritPod Fund Drive  2012 – URGENT!

BritPod Fund Drive 2012 – URGENT!

Go on! Give us one! (or 5) Update: I just realized our dates were screwed, the Americans write the month first and day second, what kind of barbaric practice is that? I dunno, anyway, we now have days to pay for the server for the next two years, not months.. so...

BritPod: Christmas Live!

We’re planning BritPod Christmas Special 2011 to be a live broadcast, most likely on UStream. However for this to happen we want lots of people to show up and make it worthwhile, so that means we need to whore up the date a bit… We were thinking Sunday,...

BP:90 Recording

The next BritPod session is scheduled for Saturday June 4th at 10pm British Standard Time. If you’d like to join in click on the link above to find out how.